Product Line Strategy & Management
Every electronic security system product has a life cycle from concept through obsolescence. Proper planning is the only way to ensure that costs are controlled and profits maximized. Large companies usually have this down to a science, but making sure nothing falls through the cracks can be a real challenge for smaller companies. Without large product volumes to absorb the costs associated with mistakes and with limited development resources to waste on unproductive tangents, a clear product line strategy and a plan for executing are critical.
Regardless of the size of your organization, we can help. Smaller companies benefit from working with security system professionals who have a wider range of experience. Larger companies benefit from our ability to get things done, unencumbered by legacy or bureaucracy.
We work with you to develop a strategic product plan, rationalize your existing product line against the plan and develop requirements for product derivatives, line extensions or new products that complement your objectives. This approach, combined with our competitive and marketability analysis services, helps you see the qualities that should be emphasized and those that should be reconsidered.
Our retainer program for electronic security product line strategy and management services is designed for companies of any size that need our help on a part-time basis. As a client, you pay a fixed amount and work can be scaled to meet demand, with no hidden surprises or wasted fees.
If you’re building a product or buying one, there’s often the need for a trained, objective eye. We understand that every product is ultimately a compromise. For the manufacturer, there are development dollars and time to market to be considered. For the end user, there’s the job of determining which features are truly useful in their environment. For these truly critical decisions, put our experience to work for you.
- For the developer, we can be an invaluable resource, stepping in to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. We can tell you what customers will think of your product, before it hits the market, which features should be emphasized and which need to be improved. And, most importantly, you’ll learn how your product stacks up to the competition. From managing a complete alpha- or beta-test program, to providing extra assistance during your product launch cycle, we complement your team and improve the things that matter most to your customers. With the contacts developed through our project design and management services, we can test products in active, production environments, without creating an unhappy customer if things go wrong. If we’re involved earlier in the design process we can provide usability testing, bug lists, and other software and hardware tests to pinpoint and solve potential failures and problems.
- For the end user, we can help with the product evaluation process, to ensure that your choice is the right one for your organization. From setting up an objective shootout between multiple vendors, to testing the products in our lab, you’ll get accurate answers that go far beyond the printed specifications.
- For the investor, our expert analysis on the usability and marketability of electronic security products gives you the knowledge you need to make an informed investment. Our real-world experience with projects and end users allows us to provide an objective assessment to help you distinguish innovation from hype.
Even the most technically advanced products will fail in the market if their key features and benefits are not clear. We work with you to understand your products and develop collateral materials that clearly communicate their advantages in a way that is fresh and relevant to your target audience. As technical product specialists, we are uniquely qualified to develop your marketing message and handle important interactions with the public. And, since we are an outsourced, flexible resource, you pay only for the services you need, when you need them.
- A&E Specifications
- Application Notes
- Brochures
- Data Sheets
- Press Releases
- Product Manuals
- Trade Show Presentations
- White Papers