May/June 2008 by Robert Grossman – Campus officials face a common dilemma: Should they improve their current electronic security technology or adopt a completely new system? Those who do the proper footwork and planning will have the tools they need to choose the best course of action for their organizations.
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‘Trust Me’ – A Guide to Honest Salespeople – Security Sales & Integration
November 2005 By Robert Grossman – A CCTV salesperson is at odds with the end user. As the salesperson’s job is not necessarily to help solve problems as it is to sell a video surveillance system product. This column will help guide you to spot the right salesperson to fit your needs.
Documenting Your System: Is There Such a Thing As Too Much Information? – Security Sales & Integration
November 2004 by Robert Grossman, When documenting a system installation, how much detail is appropriate? The fact is, documenting a system is handled differently by all parties involved and is driven primarily by what the end user requires, demands and is willing to pay for.
What the Sales Pitch Won’t Tell You About Digital Needs – Security Sales & Integration
July 2004 by Robert Grossman, Forget about pixels, file sizes and bandwidth for a moment, and concentrate on the things that will matter when you justify your investment. Your application will determine what is important to you and what compromises you’ll make.
Consultants – Time to End the Confusion, Security Sales & Integration
March 2004 by Robert Grossman, Webster’s Dictionary defines a “consultant” as “a person who gives professional or expert advice.” But, with that definition, isn’t just about everyone a consultant?